Meeting venue

Venue map

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The meeting will take place in the Pierre and Marie Curie Campus of Sorbonne University (1) and in the National Museum of Natural History (2).

Sorbonne University is a multidisciplinary, research-intensive, world-class university. Located in the heart of Paris, with a regional presence, it is committed to the success of its students and to meeting the scientific challenges of the 21st century. Through the strength of its 55,000 students, 7,300 academic researchers and partner researchers, and 3,900 administrative and technical staff, Sorbonne University promotes diversity, creativity, innovation and openness to the world.



The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (French National Museum of Natural History) is at the interface between research, culture and society. It is dedicated to develop a knowledge and understanding of nature and to the relationships that humans have with nature. It is at one and the same time a centre of research, learning and expertise, and also includes a wealth of collections that it presents in its museums, botanical gardens, zoos and libraries. Drawing on nearly four centuries of scientific adventures and (resolutely) looking towards the future, the Museum mobilises a combination of unique disciplines, skills and knowledge sharing them with the rest of the world. The scope of its activities, combining natural, human and social sciences, positions it as a reference in terms of ecological and social issues, allowing it to shed scientific light on the major challenges of the 21st century in France and beyond its borders.




Wi-Fi internet access will be available in Pierre et Marie Curie University (UPMC). In general, Wi-Fi connections require an EDUROAM account. A few individual Wi-Fi connections can be provided, but only for a limited number of people. Therefore you are asked to check in advance, if your institution provides EDUROAM access. Information to configure your devices can be found here:

If you need to configure your computer/device for EDUROAM access, you may find a configurator for your home institution on the following website:

The University does not provide support for EDUROAM Wi-Fi device settings.

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