Registration and abstract submission

Registration fees include admission to all conference sessions, poster area, and exhibitions, the wine and cheese welcome buffet on Sunday July 6th, the "Cocktail Dinatoire" at the Aquarium on Monday July 7th, coffee breaks, and meeting documents (TCS meeting bag, final programme, etc.).

The Gala Dinner is not included.

Please note that the registration and the payment of registration fee are independent of the submission of abstract.


Full registration

TCS member


October to December 31st, 2024

300 €

200 €

100 €

From January 1st to April 30th, 2025

400 €

300 €

190 €

From May 1st to June 30th, 2025

500 €

400 €

280 €

Note : PhD students must send proof of their status (student card) to


A limited number of accompanying persons may register exclusively for the social events (wine and cheese, "cocktail dinatoire"): 20€

Gala Dinner 

90 €


The registration fees will not be refunded except for cancellations in cases of force majeure. 

The registration fees will not be canceled and refunds will not be issued if the registrant is unable to attend due to travel delays or due to visa application rejection or any other extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of TCS 2025 Paris.

Registration fees will only be refunded if the notice of cancellation is received before April 10th 2025. An administrative fee of at least 25% will be deducted from the amount originally paid.

After April 11th, no refund will be possible even if you do not attend the meeting. Registration to the conference is made via TCS2025. You must complete the registration form and pay the fees by:

  • credit card secured payment by Linkipay (a secure link will be sent to you by email after completing registration)

  • bank transfer (please indicate the reference "TCS2025+ Name of delegate"),

  • purchase order (please send it to


You will receive a confirmation email when the registration is effective. Please look into your SPAM mailbox.


Participants who require a support letter for visa application are invited to contact the organizing committee:

For security purposes, letters of invitation can only be sent to individuals registered for the meeting. This letter does not imply any financial obligation on the part of the meeting organizers.

The Conference organizers cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to private property of participants, either during or indirectly arising from the TCS 2025.Participants are advised to take out their own personal health and travel insurance for their trip.



If you provided personal data electronically and voluntarily to TCS 2025, for example, via registration form, only the data you submitted will be collected and used in order to fulfil your request. Such data is only forwarded or otherwise transmitted to third parties if legally required.


Upon completion of your request, your personal data will be use until the legal retention period. After expiry of this period, the corresponding data will be routinely deleted. In accordance with the regulation in force, you have the right to access, amend, rectify, erase/be forgotten and object to the processing and disclosure of your personal data, as well as the right to data portability.


If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact

Submission guide

Abstract submission will be handled entirely by our electronic system.

Please follow the guidelines given in the submission workflow. The abstract text body should be limited to 2,500 characters including spaces.

Due to the high number of participants, talks are limited to two per first author (you can be first author of several posters and co-author of several talks). The first author should be registered for the meeting.

The abstract submission deadline is April 10th 2025.

Abstracts must be submitted through the abstract submission system.

To submit an abstract, you will need to log in to the SciencesConf system. If you are not registered you will be asked to do so. If you are already registered in SciencesConf, please enter your username and password.

The title should have a maximum of 200 characters including spaces and the abstract text a maximum of 2,500 characters including spaces. Please use the Arial 12-point font. Your abstract should contain only text, no key-words, no references or figures are allowed.

Follow the submission steps by selecting the session. Talk and poster presentation options are available for selection.

The next step will bring you to the authors' page (all abstracts are limited to a maximum of 10 authors and one institution by author). Fill in the form as required.

At the end, you will be redirected to a summary page where you can either accept your upload or return and edit your content. Once you have finished the submission, you will receive an acknowledgement of your submission by email.

Abstracts can be modified online until the deadline. Supplemental files may be uploaded but this is optional.

There will be no refunds of registration fees if the abstract is declined.


Acceptance and the next steps

Abstract will be considered for revision only if the first author is fully registered (including payment). Please notice that an abstract not accompanied with a full registration will be deleted after the 3rd of May 2025.

  • The submitted abstracts will be evaluated and the acceptance will be communicated no later than April 30th 2025. The authors should suggest their preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster), but the scientific session boards will decide the final destinations of the abstracts.

  • An online version of the programme along with the abstracts will be available online during the meeting.

  • All accepted abstracts will be scheduled for oral or poster presentation and will be compiled in PDF format. A digital version of the abstracts and the final program will be available on the TCS 2025 Summer Meeting website.


Information for presentations

English will be the official language of the meeting

The following icons may be included on slides and posters to express that :

- no result should be posted on any social media networks or blogs-device settings

- records and pictures are forbidden.



Oral presentations

Each oral presentation will be 10 minutes long, with 5 additional minutes for questions. Since the conference schedule is tight, speakers are strongly requested to strictly keep their presentations within these time limits.

Presentation formats must be in Adobe Acrobat Reader files (*.pdf). The slides should be in standard format 4:3.

Please name your file as follows: Day_Session_AuthorName. Example: 06_S1_Dupont, means ‘the day of presentation is July 06th, session is the S1 and the first author is Dupont’.

Presentations must be uploaded during the break before the beginning of each sub-session. It is your responsibility to check that links to external media (videos) are working properly before visiting the Speaker Ready Room.

A PC computer will be available for all.

If your participation was funded by a travel grant, this must be acknowledged in your presentation, "sponsored by…".

It would be very helpful if you download your presentation Sunday afternoon at the registration desk.

Poster presentation

The TCS 2025 Summer Meeting organisers look forward to seeing your poster on display during the meeting and thank you in advance for your cooperation in following these guidelines:

  • Posters should be presented in portrait layout. Maximum dimensions are A0: 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height).

  • Posters will be hanging on railings and the pliers will be provided.

  • A number will be assigned to each poster. Posters should be hung Sunday 6th afternoon during registration or during lunch break Monday 7th. at the attributed place. All the posters will stay throughout the meeting, from Monday, July 7th to Thursday, July 10th.

  • At the bottom of the poster, please include your and/or the corresponding author’s email address. This will prove especially useful if another TCS 2025 delegate wishes to contact you about your work.

  • If your participation was funded by a travel grant, this must be acknowledged on your poster, "sponsored by…”

Posters must be removed Thursday July 8th after the plenary closing session and before 6:00 pm.

Social media guidelines
In order to find a balance between embracing social media and protecting authors’ work, we set forth the following guidelines:
  • Do not photograph or video tape a talk or poster without the authors’ express permission.

  • Never post any images or videos without the authors’ permission.

  • The default assumption is to allow open discussion of TCS 2025 Paris presentations on social media.

  • However, please respect any request from an author to not disseminate the contents of their presentation.

The following icons may be included on slides or posters to express that no result should be posted on any social media networks or blogs-device settings.no_social.pngno_photo_1.jpg
Online user: 10 Privacy