Travel grants

Paris committee travel grants


We are excited to announce that the TCS 2025 will provide 6 travel grants to young researchers: 3 grants of 1000€ each for PhD students and 3 grants of 600€ each for Postdoctoral researchers. These grants will help promote diversity and global collaboration by supporting young researchers from emerging countries who might otherwise be unable to attend.

TCS 2025 Travel Grants will be prioritized for applicants who live, work or study in emerging countries, or who are citizens of an emerging country.

If you want to apply for a TCS 2025 Travel Grant, please send the following information to

  • A resume or CV
  • Proof of citizenship (identification page of passport, national ID)
  • If it is the case, proof of work or study in emerging/developing economies (e.g., student card, staff card, letter of employment with valid dates)
  • A letter of reference from a place of employment or educational institution. The reference letter may be written by a previous supervisor, teacher, or by someone who can vouch for the applicant’s work or academic performance.

📅 Deadline: March 31st 2025. Applicants will be notified of the results as of April 30th 2025.




TCS Student travel awards


The Crustacean Society (TCS) awards up to five US$500 grants twice a year to support student attendance at TCS meetings. Applicants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, present an oral or poster presentation at the meeting, and demonstrate financial need. Both the student and their faculty sponsor/mentor must be TCS members at the time of application.
📅 Deadline: 15 March


TCS Early-Career/Post-PhD Travel Awards


TCS annually awards up to two US$2,000 travel grants for early-career Ph.D. researchers! The Ph.D. must have been awarded within 5 years of the application deadline. Extensions up to 8 years post-Ph.D. will be considered for applicants who took a career break for family reasons. The grants cover travel to present, preferably orally, at a TCS meeting (e.g. the TSC Summer Meeting in Paris, France) on their research involving crustaceans. Applications that lead to a manuscript suitable for the Journal of Crustacean Biology are given preference!
📅 Next deadline: 15 March
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